Entity Magazine is a non-profit magazine that allows people to speak their minds & have their hearts heard throughout the site. Updated weekly/ monthly with pictures, videos, stories & surveys. If you want to have a reference of your own seen on the site, send us an email to entitymgzn@gmail.com & we will gladly review it & post it up!

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If you like your video to be posted send us your embed code to the video (no racism, sexism, direct comments or porn videos please) & we will gladly post it up.


We live in a world where everything has limits or no limits; has racist, but live in a melting pot; have homophobics, but they live in town with them; we have artist, but they are not recognized; there's GREAT people, but have not given the chance to SPEAK UP!! Speculations & new things to come. If you have an open mind and like to be part of the ENTITY MAGAZINE, let me know!